Thursday, September 1

Thought My Heart Still Fills With Rage...

...growing up has taught me that in dire of circumstance, compromise may be the only functional hope. And we have long been in dire circumstance.

That does not mean you may abandon the ideals you have learned to achieve halfway. For now.

They must always be the measure by which you measure your compromise, or you've dedicated yourself to failure, and the world to a show finish at best.

These words are intended for humanists at heart, only. I've got nothing to say to the rest.


At September 01, 2005 9:57 PM, Blogger Mr Jay F Bennett said...

I think this could turn into a great serialized short story about a man's descent into madness. He talks to himself about a variety of unconnected but thematic subjects. He begins to bicker with a thoughtless automation he keeps mistaking for real communication. At first with a sense of humour, but with increasing agitation. He'll continue the brief, 'Such and such happened here, and I think this,' or 'This happened....I think it's crazy because of this...', with some distraction, but it eventually becomes difficult for him to maintain even this internal communication. He becomes absorbd with addressing things that can't see or hear him, because they're not really there, Though he can certainly see them! "A real enlightening blog. Don't stop now. Here's a subject that interests many; how to buy & sell entertainment book on interest free credit; pay whenever you want."

It's called Comment Madness.


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